Random living objects belonging to children who have died within the last six months.
The mother was shocked as several tons of child's ren flew out of the room after the funeral.
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016
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orgin: a chinese word used to describe hill-billys or people who grew up as farmers ( profanity)

todays term: people that are dumb and stupid. especially short people
a person who thinks too much about himself, self centered
a term to show resentment for someone else
describing a person with a crooked face, and long facial hairs
You're such a xiang xia ren!

Dude, Dayvide's a xiang xia ren

Shut up you xiang xian ren
by dumbasian October 20, 2009
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Getting angry at something to the point of whipping out your lightsaber and smashing up everything around you, just like the new Star Wars villain, Kylo Ren.
My friend and I were watching the game, and our team lost. My mate got so pissed off, I saw him do a Kylo Ren.
I now need a new lounge and TV.
by Gardz February 26, 2016
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A formerly geeky guy with glasses and likes chicks. He is a skinny guy who does comical things in his school. He is a huge simp for some particular chick. After that chick cheated on him. He stopped being a dork and ended up as a chad cool guy.
Girl 1: Hey is that Ren yi Xiang? What happened to him? He looks changed.
Girl 2: His girlfriend cheated on him and broke his heart beyond repair that he ended up from a geek to cool guy.
Girl 1: What a hoe? How could she do like this to him? Still I prefer the new Ren yi Xiang.
by Kotarojujo069 February 21, 2022
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These are the names of three friends that are out of their minds
One is more insane than another
Person 1 : but purple gu-
Person 2 : shut up
Person three : *just watching*

Fbi : omg not jay, damien, ren again😨
by Caca.caca101 August 30, 2021
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Guang Dong Ren is the earliest chinese immigrants to America. Yet many of them are still unsuccessful and live in ghettos. They are often portrayed as the laziest of all Chinese groups.
They are characterized as people who loves to do nothing but eat and go "yum cha"(drink tea). They always stress their last syllables of their sentences "yaaaaaa". Every word sounds like a curse word.
guang dong ren
Sample conversation:
Na Hao Maaaaaaaaaaa
Wo ho hooooooooo!
by Steven Wong May 29, 2008
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The shi gong Shang ran for tzuchi is MASTER CHENG YAN, Yes you heard it right I AM MASTER CHENG YAN 3000, I am the REAL shi gong Shang ren. You must praise me and give me your money. Because I am YOUR MASTER.
"Oh my god is that the shi gong Shang ren?, she's bald!"
by masterchengyan3000 November 6, 2023
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