5 definitions by TheUltimateJaywalker

A rating on a women's attractiveness, based off of users preference
1-10 Female attractiveness scale),
1. hag 2. hideous 3. really ugly 4. ugly bitch 5. ugly 6. bitch 7. average 8. purdy 9. pretty 10. beautiful 11. Error 0. a man
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016
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1. An intoxicated duck

2. The latest Disney character

3. When Daffy has a little bit too much fun

4. When you throw a Lost Abbey Beer at someone
1. The drunk duck was wobbling dangerously on the edge of a volcano

2. Disney's latest show, Drunk Duck, has received much criticism.

3. Daffy was totally drunk ducked last night

4. Dude I totally drunk ducked Daffy last night
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 7, 2016
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A hill of or belonging to Hank.
All the child's ren climb up Hank's Hill
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016
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A wall between Mexico and 'MERICA FUCK YEAH built by Donald Trump and payed for by those lovely Mexican People
A line of angry Mexican protesters line up throwing trash at Trump's Wall.
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016
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Random living objects belonging to children who have died within the last six months.
The mother was shocked as several tons of child's ren flew out of the room after the funeral.
by TheUltimateJaywalker October 4, 2016
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