To perform a sexual act on a girl.
Have you seen Natalie Portman? I would love to fang her out.
by taptaprevolution February 11, 2011
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Not only is it a cool phrase to say. But it also stands for a powerful being whose power and kingdom will always reign over the world. Whether you chose to acknowledge it or not does not change the power Red fang holds
Person 1: man my arm is tired of holding this jug of water!
Person 2: come on do it for red fang
Person 1: you are right! Red fang forever!
by RedFang4Life February 11, 2022
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When your piss stream splits into 2.
Dude I was banging this chick all night and i went to go piss and i had a snake fang.
by Djinnt March 23, 2017
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A way to specifically describe a short but strong, handsome, smart asian boy
Your looks deceived truly are a Chris Fang.
It's okay to be small in size but make sure you're at least a Chris Fang.
You better watch out, my brothers a Chris Fang.
by Shuhua021 August 2, 2022
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Peach Fang: "I am not cute!"
Someone, pointing to the dictionary: "The internet says you are"
by wldwailord March 18, 2021
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Sucking blood out of ppl dicks after puncturing it w their teeth.
Fang banging is awesome, makes you delirious
by M. R & Z. H May 19, 2022
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Fang Irked is when the male partner wears a vampire cloak and fangs to bed and eats out his female partner. When she finishes, he shouts "You have just been Fang Irked!"
Oh damn. Did you hear that Mel got Fang Irked? She's so hot.
by Imbringingsexyback May 7, 2014
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