a type of cookie or cracker that tastes like a crispy coyote cooter
-dude these crackers are so stale and gross
-i know, like coyote cooter
-they should just be called crispy coyote cooter crackers
by Bibi h February 16, 2008
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Marsha pull a coyote because she didn't want her bf to see her without makeup the next morning.
by junomy January 23, 2011
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When having sex and shes loud and the neighbors can clearly hear it

Like a coyote in heat

its kinda ugly to the neighbors

You can kinda think about it, that your neighbors you dont even know can hear her loud sex howling

They probably wake up the next morning like they heard a coyote during a camping trip in the woods , disturbed / excited

"Did you hear that last night?"

"of course i heard it, i couldnt sleep because of it"
probably what a girl tells her girlfriend the next day , "Went coyote ugly on his dick"

Neighbors , they went coyote ugly last night

"Hey you mind keeping coyote ugly antics down, everyone heard it"

She went coyote ugly on me, oh well i hope the neighbors dont mind too much

Like a pair of coyotes making a loud porno
by SoapySardines aka Dorian June 5, 2018
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You get drunk and pick up a girl in a bar. You go to her place and fuck. You wake up the next morning with her cuddled sleeping in the nook of your arm and realize she's ugly as sin. Rather than wake her up by pulling your arm out from under her and having to face the morning reality you'd rather chew off your arm, not wake her and sneak the hell out of there.
"Man, that girl I picked up at the bar last night was coyote ugly."
by seemymick January 9, 2017
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A woman so ugly that looking at her makes your dick limp. A trick comprised of placing a poster or image in the line of sight during intercourse, used by high school and college boys to extend their sexual encounters or to prevent premature ejaculation.
Dude, is that poster of Donatella Versace your limping coyote?
by FRAGSTER23 November 30, 2016
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The feeling of not-quite-depression you get when your life is predictably great. More specifically, the fear that your great control of life is ultimately keeping you from truly living, and the slight urge that follows (not unlike The Call of the Void) to ditch your steady, well paying job, sell everything you own, break off all relationships and connections, and hitchhike in the first car that will take you somewhere else.
Ted really loved his brand new sports car and well paying nine-to-five job, but every morning as he turned the keys to go to work he would feel coyote blue.
by AStrayCatRuns July 29, 2014
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