When you get done with that perfect dump and consider wiping, but are so confident that you will have a ghost wipe that you just pull up your britches and confidently walk away.
Dude - Dude, just blew a confident walk away.

Other Dude - What?

Dude - I lost confidence, wiped, and it was totally unnecessary.

Other Dude - How do you fuck that up?
by The Evil Dingo June 11, 2009
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A PC user that actually knows what he does
--Im going to ask Mike to install windows 10
--but isnt it hard?
--Dont worry he is Confident PC user
by Aestton August 26, 2021
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When a fat girl you know is overly sassy and acts better than everyone to hide the fact that they're fat.
by cheezwiz89 January 20, 2015
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A feeling of great determination one feels to work their hardest to achieve straight A's for the next quarter/semester that inevitably falls short due to procrastination and/or lack of willpower.
Student #1: My roommate went out and bought a bunch of binders and dividers and paper, rambling on about how organized and hard working he's going to be next quarter.

Student #2: Mine too. Looks like that Delusional Confidence Syndrome is going around..
by DanTheManMan August 30, 2010
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In the business world, an inflated sense of the right decisions having been made because the decisions were made in a group setting and then bolstered by self-congratulatory remarks.
Look out now. The H.R. dept has just emerged from a four hour meeting. With that kind of conference room confidence, they are ready to roll out the slashing of additional employee benefits.
by IndySparkPlug August 19, 2010
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A person who, by no choice of their own, is a non-conformist, but expects to be treated the same.
An ugly nerd wants all of the hot girls to follow after him, even though, because of his seemingly undesirable disposition, it's never going to happen. He is a "Fat chick with confidence".
by Paul000 July 31, 2006
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The ability to shamelessly fart during sex
After trying to hold off on ripping one the first night, Chad developed a high self-confidence from there on out.
by D Flawless November 13, 2019
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