That's how long it took us to get Harvest back.
At first it was going well. Then setback after setback... Loss after loss... Made what was going to be a quick and decisive win... Into five long years of hell.
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A really long amount of time. Used to show emphasis of how long it’s been since something has happened.
I haven’t seen Jane in an Egypt year. I wonder how she’s doing?
It’s been an Egypt year since I’ve seen a good hockey game.
by SiK juice October 25, 2017
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Lots and lots of over the top designer clothes that aren’t even nice with a backpack full of illegal substances. Best friend list is 100% all girls and all of them have seen his dick & he’s special moves. Slag slag slag and a stoner
“Look at him smoking on his story what a Chelmsford year 10 boy”
by Cherlloyd34 April 23, 2019
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To purposely falsify ones own age, for the express purpose of enticing the opposite sex. Average age reduction is 6-8 years, and this phenomenon is most commonly found on internet dating sites.
Girl 1: Did you see CamaroLover87? I can't believe he's only 28
Girl 2: I saw that guy the other day buying a Toto cd. He's 28 in blog years
by SherktheJerk May 18, 2011
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thank you for the happiest year of my life
thank you for the happiest year of my life
by sped demon January 27, 2023
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A unit of measurement for the mental retardation of the peopels after spending too much time on urban dictionary eating corn and touching roses
The wordokay” is a 21.7 year-olds.
by co5oo May 30, 2022
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historians believe the first baby to be concived out of drunken, new-years, anonymous sex and thus the term for every baby concieved in the same manner ever since.
Jim found out his new baby was a baby new-years baby when he saw that his newly born son was black...and he was not.
by baby2.0 December 27, 2010
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