1. strips of bacon weaved together to form a solid structural lattice, maximizing surface area.
2. some greasy haired bitch
God, look at Karen over there. A real bacon weave.
by Karen’s Bacon Weave January 27, 2018
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Also called Chocolate bacon, gods gifts to earth and almighty. It is What makes the world go round. Two of the best things on earth. Anyone who thinks otherwise is wrong and should only be forced to eat tofu for the rest of their lifeS
by I'mwatchingmonsterfish September 30, 2016
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The saucy covering of one's bacon encrusted feet.
Josh: 'Dude I just saw a serious case of maple bacon back there'
Jonah: 'Really, that's too bad, wish I could have tasted it'
by PartyPony January 15, 2016
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Bacon you put on your partners nipples to help them orgasm
would you like some sexy bacon my dear?
by Veta2 December 26, 2018
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"Did you hear Jeff won $100 on a lotto?"

"Yea man lucky pick, he bought the porky bacon."
by THEnoB May 16, 2014
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A Turtle, usually a King Turtle of the Royal Turtle Guard. Also a word for assorted meats shaped like a turtle.

A Bacon Turtle loves bacon and spreads the word and belief of Bacon. Bacon Turtles and Turtles alike are enemies of the Panda Army and the Penguin Union. The King Bacon Turtle was defeated at The Puffin-Koala Gap by the Pan-da Warriors in PANDA 7 (Panda Years), and he later retreated to plot an all-out war on the Panda Army. The Bacon Turtle and his Royal Turtle Guard is no match for the Elite Pan-da Warriors.

The Bacon Turtle began at a humble little wood building on the corner of a busy street, titled: Bacon Turtle & Associates. They sold chocolate-covered bacon and bacon shaped like turtles. Since then, they have grown into a legitomato army. The Bacon Turtle and his associates are the exclusive members of the I Don't Care Club. The Turtle Motto is "Viva la Bacon, TGIF" (Long Live Bacon, Thank God It's Friday).
Bacon Turtle: Kneel before your almighty ruler, the Bacon Turtle!
Panda: No.
Bacon Turtle: Then you will face a life of bacon deprivation. Take him away, Royal Turtle Guard!
Panda: Is this some sort of torture, because I'm not addicted to bacon...
Bacon Turtle: Are you insulting my religion? Do you wish to say that you are against bacon? You will be locked in a room with bacon!
Panda: Free bacon is fine with me...

Epic Meal Time: We're cooking up some BACON, AND TURTLES! THAT MEANS BACON TURTLES!
by Panda Army Representative January 17, 2014
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