A pair of words used to describe a place where good looking females assemble. This place is usually a bar or some form of social gathering that involves alcoholic beverages.
Me: Man there aren't even any bitches here.

Nate: Come down South Side, there's alotta bitches.
by ant64 September 5, 2008
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When someone you don't like tries to talk to you or make physical contact and you walk away or deny them.
Billeh: Hey Tom! Want to hang out today?

Tom: Yeet Bitch!
by Yeetmaster420 February 19, 2016
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SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: Ability to make others feel like total sacks of crap for no reason; causes others to turn to stone with a mere glance; condescends continuously, followed by backhanded self-serving compliments; practices emotional terrorism with reckless abandon.
"I'm sure she bites the heads off of kittens for fun! Textbook bitch infection!"
by anonymous34 April 26, 2007
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The dominant bitch in a group of women. Similar in concept to an alpha wolf. Usually one can tell at a glance by how she acts and because the lesser bitches are deferring to her.
Guy #1: Damn, that chick is hot!
Guy #2: Naw, man, that's the alpha bitch. She'll have your dick in a jar in 30 seconds.
Guy #1: Tru dat.
by Aristoi June 25, 2004
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This is a combination of the words 'bitch' and it's derivative, 'beotch'.

In order to experience the full effect of its usage, the user should deliver it as if he or she is a chicken. Careful timing between its two syllables makes its application broad and effective.

This word is exceptional when pwning n00bs and is particularly effective when applied simultaneously with a tea bagging motion.
Like a chicken: Bitch-otch! Bitch-otch!

I just owned that bitch-otch.

Ooooohhhhhh! Bitch-otch! (tea bag)
by camnipotent May 17, 2009
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A woman preferably around the age of settling down who is not happy and washed up with no soap involved she doesn't want to see no one else happy she's a old sad mad worn out noodle
"She could not keep a man , she had several kids , no job and she wanted to mess with whomever she could ... she was a miserable bitch"
by Lolakat0207 September 5, 2015
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Typically a female, who:
- only listens to what's in the charts
-thinks she has a dope style, but looks just like everyone else
- usually greatly lacks intelligence
- if she has a tattoo, its usually a diamond or some other tattoo that 50000 other people have

-copies other women

-painfully obvious that she has no own personality
"Omg! Did you see that girl?"

"Me neither. She was probably a basic bitch."
by Hippie55555 July 3, 2015
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