The act of jacking off your partner while vaping with your tits out in a theater.
*She leans over*

"Would you like a right-wing nut job?"
by Ornery on Main September 16, 2023
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Wing Yin is the most stupid and laziest pig in the world. People who call Wing Yin like fighting and mocking others.
Wing Yini patpat so smely
by hugo767676 November 24, 2021
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A rare delecacy widely enjoyed by the asian-australian community
it is often sold at chicken shops
Me: Dan, Amy Check out all the asians keen for some wicked wings
Amy: Yeah Liam, we'll need to cook more (-_-)
by Fred foopa April 1, 2012
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Its the best food ever in your life. The crispyness...the fry-ness..... Oh my god i want to eat it now.
A: want sum fried chicken crispy wings bro
B: yea sure
A: crunch
B: crunch
by Smiley man •̀͜•́ April 25, 2022
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A girl who loves to cosplay and manga and anime!
Daisy wing just finished another manga today!
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to have sex when a woman is on her period the 'wings' refer to the splattered blood on the mans thighs when he is finished
'jesus christ look at this mess I got cranberry wings'
by toynostalgiaman September 18, 2014
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Hunter Wing trys to steal nudes from many girls.
by ggmarieeee June 19, 2017
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