You have had too much to drink so you walk by someones door who you don't like, open the door, yak (puke), then run.
Me: "Dude, I gave Dixon a Yak Attack last night. ROCKED HIS WORLD."
by murphystater February 6, 2011
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when a man person of the male gender jizzes cums in someones mouth after sex
girl: i was open for attack last night
friend: was it good?
girl: very salty but a good time
by moicahhhhh December 15, 2021
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Taking inspiration from the 1990's TV show "Art Attack", Sarte Attack is instead a verbal assault from an enormous and intimidating Venetian man with red hair.
"Did you see that Sarte Attack? He made that girl cry and vomit simultaneously."
by tangobravo June 25, 2009
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When an Asthmatic Person starts having breathing difficulties do too the presence of perfume in the area
Oh no Jessie is having another perfume attack I wonder if it’s a coordinated attack
by BepisCokeBottoms January 18, 2020
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poop attack 10
Person A: "poop attack 10"
Person B: "what's poop attack 10"
Person A: "poop attack 10"
Person B: "what"
by dio the road roller March 23, 2021
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This is when a terrorist prisoner Is stewing around in his cell with nothing better to do. He’s feeling bored so he goes and chats with his other loser terrorist buddies obviously plotting something.

Then later he goes into his neighbors cell and begins ass fucking him and as he’s about to cum he pulls out and seemlessly shoves a stick of dynamite in his ass blowing him to smithereens.

The other terrorists golf clap.
“Yo Mustafo. This prison shit sucks. I’m gonna give the new guy the Guantanamo unholy sneak attack after lunch. Get some entertainment going around here.”

“That’s gonna be messy, but it sure beats movie night. I can’t watch Shawshank again.”
by Larry and Rex and Benny January 30, 2020
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