American Rapper Sludge Von best coined the new meaning of Sludge.

To stick together like glue.



A unit or group of friends who put loyalty above all.

A character trait
Dont make me sludge you.

On sludge that lit.

Sludge doest care about anybody but sludge.

In the sludge i trust
by SnakoMalfoy November 9, 2021
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The goopy green/grayish sometimes even a brown hue, clay like material found at the bottom of your glass or can of craft beer.
After pouring a can of aslin, I found this sludge at the bottom of my glass as well as a couple ounces at the bottom of my can.
by #fanboy June 26, 2017
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That sh*t that you get out of a McDonalds icecream machine...
ew, did you get that sludge again?
by PC FrazzleDazzle September 28, 2020
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A mixture of feces, urine, and semen; usually occurs when an individual ejaculates into the toilet after a piss-shit combo.
Don't look in the toilet, bro. I've got a heap of sludge sitting in there.
by AnusaurusRex March 12, 2019
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An instinctive adjective used to describe something positive/gas or referring to something as pressure.

Can be used to describe any actions/phrases/or events that happen at any given time.

The most interchangeable word in the urban dictionary.
This pizza is so sludge, makes me want to sludge.
by sludgecreator69 April 4, 2023
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A penis outline in the pants they are wearing. A slug like outline in their bulge region.
Dude fix or cover your sludge!
by AliaBaloney October 16, 2017
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1)walking throught the rain when the sewers are backed up and you can't tell if you stepped on someone dog, or someones log.
2)going out in public if you haven't had a proper bath or a change of cloth's in days.
"dude! i saw dave at the mall! he was totally sludgeing and he was flirting with the hot tpic girl!"

"gross. he smell's like wet monkey butt most of the time, already. he's gonna be lonely tonight."
by Reiji May 21, 2007
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