smelly bad stuff that comes out when your butt gets mad at you and you like get all juicy and good
the juicy poop splattered all over george bushes face
by spycow August 26, 2006
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mushy stuff that comes from your but
by John September 26, 2003
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Main authority in american society, more commanly known as pig, po po, or no officer I've only had
I spent all weekend in the poop station.
by Hideous J.J. July 21, 2003
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The substance know as anal fecal matter...from the butt...that excapes from the anal passage as propelled from the bowel at fangorious speeds. a.k.a-the brown ass butter that comes out fast.
While walking down the street i saw this guy and i asked him for some butter and he didnt have any so i went and chopped down a tree with my bare teeth..MY BARE TEETH then i wanted some salt so i went next store and she didnt havce any so i walked down the street and i saw this guy and i asked him for some butter.......................
by Danx July 9, 2004
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A more funny term for the ever hilarious swear word: shit.
Bea: Oh shit!
Izzy: no no NO! There's a far more funny word for THAT
Corrie: It's POOP!!!

**together laugh**

by September 10, 2009
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Spongebob: "Poop?"
Narrator: "Yes, poop! People Order Our Patties!"
by LikeATimeLord August 12, 2012
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it's brown, and it smells like bad breath. It is log like and falls outta your anus. It makes a plop sound, and you can look down, and see your poop swirling around in the water with toiletpaper. YUM
Hey, this tastes like poop
you tasted poop before?
by Cowardly June 5, 2009
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