adj.n Having the characteristics, or suggesting the political beliefs and behaviour, of Paula Bennett, New Zealand’s Minister of Social Development (2008-) a politician notorious for her punitive attitudes towards, and policies controlling the behaviour of, social welfare beneficiaries.
“That was a real Paula Bennettish article."
by mastacurtis May 18, 2013
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This is when you are about to say something that may be perceived as racist (especially towards African Americans) and you want to put the disclaimer out beforehand that it should not be taken with the racist connotation that it actually holds, but as a general comment or statement that just happens to have a slight racist tone to it.
No Paula Deen, but those Mexicans sure know how to clean a house, OR blacks really do love fried chicken and watermelon, no Paula Deen, I'm just saying....
by The Trinity August 8, 2013
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An older woman who was once sane and level headed but after taking too many 3 o clock naps has begun yelling “Boo!” or “Get up in here!” at young babies. She also falls asleep at 6:15 every night and cannot be instructed in how to achieve a task without getting mad. She has a great heart but just sleeps too much.
Paula Jo screamedBoo!” at a young baby
by Adam early December 27, 2021
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Paula drikk brus is a legendary fairytale from Malvik, Norway.
it`s based on the ogre Paulaah who loves to go to the soda dispenser every 30 minutes to relinquish her thirst for coke
daamn paula is walking out of the cafeteria again with 2 cokes, man Paula drikk brus.
by Prælll August 20, 2023
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A nice girl that will always have your back, she has the cutest laugh but is so dark Inside. She is the nicest but also isn’t afraid to reject someone for the other person.
“Damn I just met this girl named Paula she’s very nice
by Jarkeeee November 24, 2021
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Paula is the most loyal person you will ever meet in your life. She try to hide sometimes her feelings but she’s all about love, until you mess with her friends or family, don’t do it.
Her name come from the ancient latin language and the Roman Empire, so she likes a good expedition and new places.

If you end up dating a Paula, remember to brighten her days and she’ll do the same back, it’s all about the small little things.
But most importantly, if you are looking for a party person, call a Paula and have fun, and a long hangover haha!
“ "Wow dude your lucky your going out with Paula”
“You saw that Paula already travel to 10 countries this year?!”
by Marco Smith November 22, 2021
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