A person who reads a statement in the morning and preaches by the afternoon
Luke Skywalker knows nothing of the force in the morning, meets Obi Wan, learns a bit about the force. Thinks he's a jedi by tea time. Such a guardian reader!
by Gavgav86 September 11, 2020
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A fucking op weapon in fallout 4 that does double damage and is bought from vault 81
Holy shit I just 1 shit a mirelurk king with the overseers guardian
by Sans from fallout 4 February 21, 2023
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A company that scams people who are in debt.
Guardian Debt Relief lies to its customers.
by Green Pill December 31, 2020
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A NaVi CS:GO player who is good with AWP.
Guy 1: Dude have you seen GuardiaN on the tournament?

Guy 2: Yea, this guy is cracked with his snipes!
by FartGarfunkel March 11, 2020
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A term used generally for Nazis and Neo Nazis. The term is derived from those that guarded concentration camps.
Don't go in there, it's a Guardians bar.
by Polyglottted July 23, 2021
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When your non-binary friend wants a parental term to identify by. So you shout GUARDIAN!
"Not mom, not dad, I is GUARDIAN"
Wow, what a badass friend.
by yeehawturds December 10, 2021
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An adult pedophile predator who grooms a minor for a future sexual relationship or trafficking.
Nate was trying to position himself as Stanley's guardian, so we reported him to the police.
by Top5Player July 25, 2021
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