a fat ass football player but it’s fine if they’re fat because they play football
“you see that tubby ass football player?”
by Whigey89 March 30, 2023
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The hottest man alive. He’s sweet, respectful, and an overall amazing person. Straight wifey material. If you get yourself a Tubby, cherish him and never let him go.
by That blonde bitch MJ May 21, 2020
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Slang term for the new $20 bill featuring Harriet Tubman.
Hey, anyone here got change for a Tubby?
by TGS808 April 20, 2016
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Patrick:Tubby? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr NOBODY CALLS ME TUBBY!!!!!!!!
by Rubber Foot April 1, 2018
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Whilst a man is taking a nice hot bath, his significant other gives him a sensual blowjob
Hey baby it’s been a really long day, Could you give me a tubby tonight?
by Bigjtubbyallday October 11, 2020
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Another name for the new $20 bill
Bro could I cop head for a tubby rn
by Aljob8spoofard January 27, 2021
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An endearing nickname given to a chubby friend or if they have a abnormally large head like megamind, also short for sean
Hi there tubby, how are you today?

Im quite well thank you
by Poooperpooperpoopypooppants February 1, 2018
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