A school where the principal looks like big chungus and the kids smear shit on the walls for art. A school where everyone is high as fuck and people are having sex in the bathroom daily.
Wow, Oak hill Middle School is a real shithole
by Ohmshater456 November 2, 2021
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Maple Hill High School is a school that's centered in the town, as residents call it, Castletucky (Aka Castleton). Students here flourish with the help of teachers and extra curricular activities. It'd be the best high school out there if only all the students in it didn't want to commit suicide. The amount of drug dealers keep everyone on their toes with the classic slutty middle schoolers and weird couples fucking behind the bleachers during pep rallys. There's plenty to do here as tea and drama erupts from all corners leaving no one safe. But hey, at least most of them are nice
Shane: "What are you doing later today?"

"I have to go to that shitty Maple Hill High School and get laid by a meth head senior"
by Teenage Dream 42069 April 1, 2022
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One of the best places for a zombie apocalypse. Most people are braindead mindless zombie trendfollowers anyways who do anything in their power to treat people like shit. Homophobe, Transphobe and racism hotspot. If you’re mentally ill or queer i advise you escape as soon as possible because this school is worse then you think. RUN
Person 1: What high school did you go to
Person 2: Quakers Hill High School
Person 1: That sucks
by TryingToSurviveZombies April 10, 2023
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The best high school in the world! Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, OHHS is home to some of the world’s biggest celebrities. World renown as the “Indians”, Ottawa Hills was the high school to attend and if you didn’t, you wanted to. The best looking, best dressed, and most talented kids in the city attended this legendary school. The most notorious class being the graduating class of 1992.
I’m not aware that any other high school exists. I attend Ottawa Hills High School, the best school on earth!
by Kaye Mack July 19, 2021
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A shitty school located in Cashburn, Virginia. 90% of the school is Indian, and some teachers there are even Indian. Many of the awesome and actual teachers with true potential left the school because they soon realized how terrible the school really is. As I said earlier, the school is infested with try-hard Indians who's main goal is to get into TJ/ACL or face the wrath of an Indian parent with a shoe or hanger in their hand. Not to mention, they stink up the hallways with their rotten curry lunchboxes before lunch. You might want a noseplug or two. Do not even get me started on the preppy popular girls who's whole life is summed up in an aesthetic pinterest post. The "popular" girls are composed of ratchet ass white girls who have nothing else to do and are avoiding studying. (by putting their homework of their weave) (sorry for using AAVE but I had to!) Not to mention, the LGBTQ+ kids there... Half the school goes my they/them pronouns. The school has become so 'cultured' enough to ask what a students pronouns are on the first day of school during ice breakers. Everyone there is fake and will do anything to be "popular". Did I mention that the entire Indian population here is enrolled in Curie Learning's "signature" program that prepares students for TJ/ACL? LMFAO. This school is trash, ghetto, slutty, shitty, and about every bad word humanity has ever created. Oh yeah, and the white male teacher population is 75% are pedos. Don't go to this school, you will regret it.
Average Stone Hill Middle School Student talking to a white friend from Louisiana:

Lasyapriya: Ugh! I have to write 3 essays a month along with completing STEM critical thinking packets! I cannot find any time to relax.

Christina: LOL, what? Suck for you!

Lasyapriya: Not to mention my TJ Admissions test is tomorrow! My mom is making me stay up until 3AM to revise everything.

Christinia: LMFAO, sucks to be you.

*Months later*

Lasyapriya: OMG, I got in to TJHSST! I saved myself a beating! Yes!

Christina: What ever girl! Have fun in Thomas Jefferson High School for Try-Hard Nerds and Drug Addicts!
by whydidyouclickmyprofile August 29, 2023
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The most cringest school ever. If your name is Emily kys. This middle school is on the west side of Cranston and it’s the most whitest school to ever exist. This school is filled with kids that are never loved and it’s full of 12 year olds that wear the same black leggings everyday. The boys at this school all have the same haircut and same sense of style. All of them smoked at a age of 13 and all of them will be getting lung cancer at the age if 21. They also disrespect their parents and think fortnite and tik tok is a personality trait. Other than that this school is full of racist white ppl that think that they are important and are the main character.
Today at western hills middle school, Emily was doing tik tok dancing’s with her juul.
by Don’tConsumeCoke November 30, 2021
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A small or almost meaningless problem that can be solved in less than a day
Mike: Ugh, have you heard the ant hill high school drama Jenny has been involved in?
Lexi: ugh it’s so stupid, they are making such a big deal of it when it could be solved in less that a day even
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