Any phone calls placed after 2am to the opposite sex in order to engage in sexual activity, even though the caller never admits that is the real reason for the call.
Witek only calls me after the bar closes around 2am and threatens to hang up on me when I don't go over to his house. (Polish Booty Call)
by janedoe February 8, 2006
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When someone calls or texts you anywhere after 1 AM so they can participate in sexual activities to satisfy they're most likely drunken needs. Mostly done by guys but occasional girls do it too. A lot of times the person being called up has feelings for the other, so they give into temptation and their feeling grow stronger. Meanwhile, the bootycaller moves onto the next one.
Megan: OH MY GOSH!!, he just texted me and said he want to hang out for a bit!

Adriana: Dude, it's 1 AM

Megan: So.....?

Adriana: So..... That's in the booty call time frame , he just wants to smash in the back seat of his car and then forget about you! Don't be stupid.
by mthugg69 April 17, 2011
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Girl 1: Hey did you have sex with that guy last night?!
Girl 2: No, all he did was call me to make out. It was like a PG rated booty call.
Girl 1: How lame...
by blinkblink December 24, 2009
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Jon: "Is Mike getting Chevrolayed in the back of his tahoe right now?"
Matt: No, he doesn't satisfy Newton's 69th Law remember, so he's dialing up a World of Warcraft Booty Call.
by ChemistryCalvin August 6, 2010
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A booty call with an amount of uncertainty to it. In other words, if you make arrangements expecting sex with the other person, but are not entriely sure the sex is going to happen.
"There is no way I am driving 4 hours for a coin-flip booty call."
by D-Struct September 4, 2005
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Similar to a booty call, in which someone calls another person just for sex. A drug dealer booty call is when a drug dealer calls you with the sole purpose of asking you to buy drugs.
My dude was tripping last night calling me and asking if I need drugs. Shit I'll call him when I need the good, I'm sick of his drug dealer booty calls.
by High Like Moon May 25, 2011
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When a girl visits you from over 3 hours away for the sole purpose of sex.
Person 1: Dude, where were you last weekend?
Person 2: I haven't been feeling well, so I had a... house call.
Person 1: ...
Person 2: Yeah, this girl came down from 3.5 hours away to have sex with me.
Person 1: You got a mail-order booty call!
by Wesleyan September 21, 2007
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