Usually a couple of friends stealing signs while one takes a video and then they all have to go to the police station. No parking signs are their favorite ones.
Man those sign stealers are so fucking amazing
by Sign stealer March 17, 2017
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A person that loves to take blood. They will do anything for blood. When someone is nearby with their blood pouch they will feel the urge to grab it and run away. They would even use fake blood to scam someone of real blood. They would kill someone for their blood.
Person 1:"i just earned some new blood for my blood pouch"
person 2:"just make sure no one can see it lest they try to steal it."
person 1: "i see someone they are staring at me and my blood pouch"
person 2:"watch out i think they are a blood stealer"
blood stealer :*runs after the person with a blood pouch malice in his eyes striking to kill take their blood and their blood pouch*
by BloodLustStealer April 19, 2022
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Jaemon (older brother Smith) is really nice to me and the fam.

Bro can be found runnin' hitting drums Playing wii sports studying , makin' chocolate milk
Jaemamando the soul stealer ( Big Bird ) is addicted to chocky milk ( probably I dont Know)

He also treats me nicely
by Tg223P October 8, 2023
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When a person hires a crab to steal your items.
Person 1: "Dave, you're such a crab stealer."
Person 2: "i just used a piece of fish to train it "
by DJ_Rumbi October 28, 2022
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someone who uses your personality, and often is more popular with it, and then unfriends you.
Jerry : I love star wars!
Basic popular girl : Oh yeah, I love star wars too! But you make it so sad, social reject.
Jerry: She is such a personality stealer.
by nonlettopiced March 9, 2021
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When a blondie steals your boyfriend after you broke up for 3 whole days.
"damn that little boyfriend stealer has been so annoying lately.
by ginger.bitch70 November 16, 2022
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