being civilized in a DAMN SEXY way.
brittany and kathleen waltzed down the street in a sizzle-ized manner.
by BMASSA August 23, 2008
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A thin sausage (usually beef), served diagonally on sliced white bread. Can also be served with bbq'd, sliced onions, tomato sauce or bbq sauce. Usually sold as fundraisers for local youth or sporting clubs. See also Democracy Sausage.
When I was at Bunnings this morning I had a sausage sizzle put on by the local soccer team.
by Mumooch May 11, 2022
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When you read something, whether it be a quote, a phrase, a sentence, or a whole novel, and you wish you wrote it. That is a sizzling pickle.
Friend: "my thoughts are stars i cannot fathom into constellations"

Me: "Man, that is one sizzling pickle."
by Toni Cupcake December 8, 2012
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When you ejaculate into a cast iron skillet then cook the load for approximately 3 minutes until the semen is brought to a boil. You then pour the compound into the mouth of your awaiting partner and she devours the substance
Person 1: do you desire a sizzling jizz?
Person 2? Sure! Just don’t make it too hot!
by The jizzmaster November 27, 2021
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This is a person who comes to a BBQ uninvited and makes an asshole out of themselves.
Who the hell brought this sizzle louie?
by pearlman4 June 24, 2009
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When you pee into a woman's vagina during intercourse and it makes the same sound as if you were peeing into a toilet .
James:Hey man you get lucky last night?
David: Yea man, and she let me sizzle the bacon too!
by Ghost765 November 2, 2021
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What happens after two successful Scuttle Butts. At the strip club
Cinnamin couldn't come in tonight because she got the Skittle Sizzle.
by BigBuddah November 13, 2020
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