To request divine intervention in a potentially-dangerous situation, instead of relying on aerosol-based capsicum-fluid.
Since it's ridiculously easy to get charged with assault by someone whom you "mace the face" of (for example, the person can always deny that he had intended you any harm, even if you know that he very likely was planning to hurt you), it's a wise idea to just choose spepper pray in all but the most extreme of circumstances.
by QuacksO October 20, 2020
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Hey Jordan... Didn't you go to some Muslim religious site where you're not supposed to pray and then pray anyway and then post a video about praying in public? I'm pretty sure that's a thing that happened.
Hym "Praying in plubic is something Christians do all the time. Public moments of silence. Politicians pray in public all the time. Jordan Peterson doesn't care about people praying in public. He's just making up imaginary moral failing so he has an excuse to demonize people.
by Hym Iam November 9, 2023
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getting involved with a girl known to be a trouble in her previous relationships
Person A: I'm going on a date with **** tomorrow.

Person B: Your're praying on unholy ground ,mate.
by bluen0se October 15, 2017
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When a man attempts to insert his flaccid penis into a woman's vagina in hopes it will get hard so he can have sex.
I had whiskey dick real bad, a wet noodle, so I did the old stuff and pray.
by Tilt22 December 22, 2012
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Someone who always talks about how they want to be in a relationship, but they always end up going to the bar and slaying unsuspecting hoochies/fuckbois like its their job.

The sequel to "The boy who cried wolf">>> "The girl who became a praying romatis"
As soon as Janice has one drink, her standards go out the window and she turns into a 'praying romatis'. Her relationships never work out.
by TheHandier May 18, 2016
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"๐Ÿ™" emoji or praying emoji is another way to say you want to be dominated by a woman or in other words yoy want a woman to control you commonly used in straight men that want to be dominated by a larger female

Praying emoji or ๐Ÿ™ in slang meaning "please dominate me when were having sexual intercourse" or way of saying "i want a woman thats stronger and bigger than me to control me" ๐Ÿ™ Praying emoji in slang
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