The person who grew up in the community and learned to make a nice income along with expenses for pulling the strings on elected officials with liberal white guilt. The poverty pimp carry's a small film crew with every where they go but modestly states hates being on camera or in the news. . The poverty pimp never spends any of their own money to give out food or help with utility bills. Often takes vacations charged as educational junkets to meet a lover in another state or country at the expense of the none profit they formed. That nonprofit is nothing but a paycheck mill for the poverty pimp and the poverty pimps family. Stirs up division and hate by playing the race card every chance the pimp gets. Always trying to drive a wedge between the races because that's how they support themselves.
The poverty pimp told the white business owner she would drive him out of the neighborhood if he didn't contribute to her none profit and yes... it actually happened.
by fedupwiththefakes April 25, 2023
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Jim used to make $96,000 a year and have all the channels. Now he's unemployed and has to settle for the poverty package.
by Isthereanynamesavaliable January 18, 2022
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The time during and after the winter holidays (Christmahannukwanzadan, though Ramadon is not a winter holiday) when everyone has vaccumed out their wallets and sucked their banks dry to buy hundreds of dollars worth of unnecessary cards and presents for people because now such an act is necessary for confirming and sustaining friendly relations.

Since everyone has already starved their wallets, they then proceed to not spend anything until mid-February. As a result us retail workers lose all our hours and not only can we not recover from our own Christmas poverty but we often see the amount of money left in our bank account drop to double digits or even single digits, upon which arises a strong urge to drink--which costs money.

It's a vicious cycle and is often not escaped by the inexperienced and weak of heart.
Oh, shoot; I forgot to save up for this year's Christmas Poverty. Guess I'll starve for a week else not be able to pay rent!!

Are you feeling the Christmas Poverty too?
I feel ya, girl! I got 50 dollars to last me 2 weeks after all the bills.
At least you're on salary.
Yeah, non-paid overtime. Woohoo!

Crap next year I'm saving three hundred dollars to get myself through the Christmas Povery without begging for help from the folks.

It's February 7 today, the Christmas Poverty is FINALLY starting to lift!
by $20 left in my bank account!!! February 7, 2011
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A social justice warrior term which aggravates poor people hate richpeople for what they use/wear/consume even it’s just a jealousy issue.
I felt that she tried to use her thousand dollars jacket poverty shaming me.
by UneDerrDawg November 19, 2018
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U.S. poverty (in contemporary society)
Two friends that haven't seen each other in a long time. One just got back from Peace Core.
"Ya, the people in the village have it rough, being in abject poverty, but they kept such a mellow and kind attitude while I was there."

"I can definitely relate, I was in poverty growing up. Dad unemployed by 2008 recession and all."

"Man, you were no where close to a starving African child back then, with your relative poverty. Absolute poverty is not the same. What?--someone dies every ten minutes from a car crash--when 130 die--of only children (age <5) in the same time."

"Holy shit. Why didn't I think about joining?"

"Mehh, it doesn't matter now. What's done, is gone. You could do other stuff to help lessen extreme poverty though."
by aerodidact October 18, 2014
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When one has so little money he/she does not know where one's next meal is coming from.
by HookedOnRedbull July 11, 2008
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'designer poverty' is a man that makes poor financial decisions by wearing branded clothes, chains & watches but living on his Mums' floor dodging bailiffs.
Mandem - "Rah, check that yout out mans got more diamonds around his neck than Rwanda"
Mandem 2 - "Nah bro, mans in designer poverty. My man told me he can't afford the monthly payments on his car."
by Theo Mulenga April 3, 2020
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