She's nice, but she really wants to kill you. Watch out. She's talking bad about you behind your back. She's laughing at you right now.
She's nice, but she might be an Elizabeth.
by camilleknatt September 17, 2020
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Amazing wonderful caring beautiful adorable liveable person ever and yet crazy as hell weird in a good was dirty minded and sometimes a deman Spohn
I love Elizabeth ur hella crazy
by Stephanielopez2 October 21, 2016
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a girl who has bugs and a stretchy frog. likes to smoke meth and sleep with other people’s boyfriends
Don’t be like Elizabeth!”
by whejsjskekksks July 2, 2019
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The most amazing Canadian friend I have ever had! She is nice and gives me " girl advice" and is so funny, pretty (no beautiful) , and smart! She works as a construction administrator and loves her dog McGee!! 😂
That is such an Elizabeth
by CJR2004 January 30, 2017
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Elizabeth is one of those friends u joke with in a rude way. She is always there when you need her. P.S she is a real good nurse.
Friend: (ring ring)
Elizabeth: hi ya filthy rat
Friend: bahahah
by Jklolbrbgtg April 19, 2017
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A beautiful woman with a hunger for laughter. Elizabeth can make you smile even when you think its all over.If you ever see an Elizabeth, don't be afraid to say "hi"
"Elizabeth"I said "Your so Funny"
by FrenchFries4Life February 24, 2019
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