Alyssa is the most beautiful girl you will ever meet, yet she does not know how much she means to some people. She is the type of person you want as your best friend. She goes through some hard times but always has a smile on her face as she perseveres. She is understanding, funny, and caring. she is very outgoing and fun and her personality can light up a room. Alyssa can always make you smile when you're extremely sad. She can be dramatic and crazy at times but that is what makes her so beautiful. she is one of the smartest and nicest people I have ever met. once you get to meet Alyssa you will come to know that she is not only beautiful on the outside she also has a good heart (beautiful on the inside). Once you fall in love, it'll never fade away. She creates a love that I can only express by my feelings, it is so strong it is hard to put into words. All I have ever wanted to tell her is I love her and that she is the best!
guy 1: Alyssa is a hoe

guy 2: (punches guy 1 in the face)"don't you ever say that about her"
by kcclark October 3, 2019
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Alyssa is intelligent, sexy, caring, funny, and athletic. These are just a few of her many great qualities. She may sometimes be a bit insecure, but she loves being called beautiful. If there is an Alyssa in your life, then you're a very lucky person. Alyssa is a great person to be around. She also enjoys scary movies, and is also into many sports. Alyssa is like the light to your darkness and the solar system to your galaxy. She's like a flower. Alyssa is a amazing. When she walks in the room, or when you hear her voice, it's like the whole world changes. She's the best, and she's definitely someone you'd love.
Character 1: Yasin Character 2: Max
Yaisn: "Hey, Max, did you see Alyssa in the soccer game?" Max: "Ya, why?" Yasin: "She was great, I think I have a crush on Alyssa."
by Yasin213 April 8, 2019
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Alyssa she’s a PRETTY GOOFY person! But she’s a REAL freak.She’s a real loyal person tho. She may be nice but you get her pissed the fuck off she would BEAT YOUR ASS THO. Also she’s a good friend she would stay up texting you if your going through problems she’s a friend you don’t wanna lose. To any guys reading this if you ever date an Alyssa she a BIG freak.
by AshelySlaysAllday😂 November 25, 2018
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She is very addicted to Social media, Snapchat, Tik Toc, and instagram. She is a very energetic person. Although she can want all of the attention she still is kind. Alyssa’s are nice but sometimes can be sassy and bratty. They normally like wired people because they have a one of a kind mind.
Look at Alyssa doing the Woah (tik toc trend)
Alyssa just stole all of MY spotlight (attention seeker)
by Sassygirl12385 May 8, 2019
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An Alyssa is a girl who you'd give the world for, someone who you'd learn an instrument, or walk a million miles for. An Alyssa is a girl who will drive you insane, test you, and make you mad, but will always somehow make up for it. An Alyssa is a beautiful amazing entertaining girl who you'll love to be around and who makes an amazing girlfriend.
Guy (or girl): "That girls name is Alyssa right?"
Guy (or girl)2: "Yeah, and that means she's an amazing person."
by Sad squeak August 21, 2017
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Alyssa is a straight up beautiful girl. She's popular, smart, and drop dead gorgeous. She's friendly and loyal to almost everyone she meets. Alyssa has a great figure. If you meet an Alyssa never let her go because you will regret it.
did you see alyssa outfit today because she lookin hella fine.
by dictionary meaning… February 15, 2017
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Alyssa is very unique and talented girl. She is an artist in many ways such as drawing, singing, and writing poems and music. She keeps her circle of friends small and chooses them very wisely. She is a very sensitive person and is probably the best person to go to for advice, tutoring, or motivation. Her best stronghold is reading and language arts. She can hold onto secrets and is very loyal in friendships and relationships. She hates discrimination, sexism, and racism, and will fight for what is right no matter what it takes.
Alyssa is a soft-hearted girl.
by BoujeePrincess April 4, 2018
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