Used in refrence to a big spliff
Bob Marley nicknamed his son Nesta, Ziggy, in refrence to a big Spliff
by ChunkyLover 53 August 1, 2006
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You know when you pop a boner in class? Yeah, that, don't lie, it happens. When you get one, just casually mention that you have a Ziggy, everyone will know exactly what you mean.
Mr. Santana: William what is the matter?
William: I kinda have a ziggy.

Mr. Santana: Ah...
by L3git_5ki11S May 25, 2010
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Ziggy is a wonderful person. They are also crazy wonderful and they do not conform to ANY SOCIAL NORMS... AT ALL. They are a constant patron of every thrift store in town and start rambling about how society sucks if you don't interrupt.

They will causally brush off crazy ass events that wouldn't happen to anyone else.
Ultimately the best friend you can have unless you want someone basic.
Me: So how was your day?
Ziggy: Oh well it was good, *spider falls on table* GOD DAMN IT THATS THE 3rd TIME TODAY A SPIDER FELL OUT OF MY HAIR!
Me: Gosh dang, you are so Ziggy, *hugs*


*Person in a oversized 19th century dress, mohawk, and crazy makeup walks down the street*
by YeahPleaseNo March 6, 2020
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A supercomputer located in the deserts of New Mexico. Instituted to aid the Quantum Leap Project in 1999, headed by Dr. Samuel Beckett.
Sam: Dammit, Ziggy, tell me something I don't know!
Ziggy: Tina's having an affair with Gushie.
by Ekdar April 23, 2004
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weed? no no no, its a big cone of weed or hash
"A ganja smoker, herb cultivator, the world champion spliff maker
Build a ziggy so big I use a hundred and fifty-two packets of rizla paper"
by Si Philli December 14, 2003
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an adjective to describe something cool, exciting, and flashy
"that outfit is very ziggy"
by Ziggy Stardust January 31, 2004
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