A type of mob from hypixel skyblock that sweaty players grind for 10+ hours everyday so that they can boost their combat.
Person 1: Man I love grinding Zealot it's so fun
Person 2: Bruhhhh man you need to quit and get a life
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The Zealot rank is one of the most honorable ranks a sanghelli can acquire from the covenant hierarchy. Whilst Zealots usually aren't deployed in combat posts, they often operate on the front lines and are great warriors.
We have just been breached! and it looks like its a zealot squad! we cant hold them back! AAAAH! *static*
by MrFlame February 14, 2011
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one who is overly eager to do something
person 1: when we burnin down the school!
person 2: Chill zealot. the boss aint here yet. you know the rules
by Devan Benoit May 12, 2006
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A believer in a vaperware operating system designed by an advertising conglomerate front to a government project. These zealots claim their roots in a rarely used member of Web 2.0 technologies, the Chrome internet browser. The browser origins derived from a CIA scheme to gather intelligence on consumers using spyware to predict market swings, binge drinking at urban raves, rises in online discussions of conspiracy theories, trends in the porn industry, and communist activity in the far east. These believers, found in universities, wear the traditional rainbow colored suspenders indicative of the clan, and greet each other with the phrase “epic fail” followed by a rubbing of the left elbows. The FBI, perpetually suspicious of the CIA tricks against American citizens, invested millions in investigating the browser’s intelligence gathering activities but abandoned the case when cult membership dwindled to several dozen members. As the FBI director put it before the senate intelligence committee, “what can you expect from commi’s turned capitalists…it’s a total piece of shit. It serves the CIA right for putting Russians in charge of the project. It’s an epic boondoggle, a violation of the constitution, and a waste of money. The money would be better spent on electric mini-bikes, proving Joe Biden is Jimmy Hoffa, and a wax museum showcasing the late J. Edgar Hoover estate’s rare collection of pantyhose, corsets, and early twentieth century braziers.”
"No, I couldn't view the video you sent me. I'm a chrome zealot."
by stthomas_a_keen_ass October 6, 2009
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Somone who Zealously defends the superiority of the Linux operating system. The typical Linux Zealot hangs around a forum or IRC channel and answers questions that blatently refer to Microsoft windows with questions like "What operating system are you using?" or replies with instructions that relate to Linux.
Many Linux Zealots know very little about the operation of the Linux operating system and are simply trying to gain respect from fellow Linux users.
I went to a linux help channel to ask how to make this software work but I was called a lamer and told to read the documentation which from what I can tell dosen't exist.
by Kang June 18, 2004
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An extreme anime nut (see otaku) who refuses to watch any anime cartoon with anything other than the original Japanese voice acting. Anything English on their screen other than subtitles will immediately induce a screaming, whining fit. Claims that even an excellent English dub somehow ruins the original "integrity" or "beauty" of the series. May have some substance to their argument, as anime is often "dumbed down" or censored for North American audiences, but any decent points are drowned out by their yelling about subtitles, as if they were Satan himself and were violently raping their mother in front of them at the time.

Often may make an attempt to learn Japanese so they can do away with subtitles altogether. May also attend an anime convention, cosplay, or enjoy reading MegaTokyo. Extremely vocal nutcase which should generally be avoided at all costs.
"Hey, Cowboy Bebop is on Cartoon Network."
"Get out of my house, subtitle zealot!"
by RealGTX April 2, 2005
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The most annoying person at your party; a succubus or incubus. These pervasive hipsters enjoy a luxuriant lifestyle in academia and urban environments where Mac zealots are hesitantly tolerated at great expense to the government or their parents. Grudgingly, this person runs Microsoft to make the tool functional, but still hopes the silver or white finish and bubble sounds can increase the production of pheromones. Social experiment studies have shown that subjects believe more pheromones exist in the presence of the Mac devices; although chemical studies have a proven a lack of desirability and a decrease in mojo levels. It is this inversely proportional trend of narcissism and actual desirability that most researchers conclude is a source of their quietly abrasive, soul sucking personalities. The group was a splinter group from the Satan worshiping sexually deviant Freebsd zealots. Mac zealots pay thousands of dollars to the mothership for new biofeedback devices and self help courses over ten to twenty years before the founders of the order reveal it is actually a satanic cult with roots in the biblical Garden of Eden. Their marriage ritual is often performed in rockabilly, retro, metro, or swing themes, but many observers report it is actually often quite boring and lubricated with bottom shelf liquor.
"That mac zealot in the turtleneck has followed me around all night. I think he is in rut."
by pierre_abelard October 4, 2009
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