A pole that comes off from the body. It is used to produce. I give this definition props to Liz and Luke and Maddie. Dab this ye boi Shea.
The Wiggly pole fit unexpectedly well in the circle.
by Shea Maddie Liz Luke June 25, 2019
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An endearing term for your lovers penis, derived from the board game "Uncle Wiggly".
by cait194 April 5, 2008
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A siggly wiggly is a word used by people with a friend named ryan. For whatever reason people who know a ryan uses the word siggly wiggly. Siggly wiggly is a word you can use against someone thats acting sus.
by Long_Shlong69 March 16, 2022
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The act of fornicating an underaged pregnant woman and feeling a limb of an unborn child
Katie, you need an abortion. When we did the naughties I felt a slick wiggly in your poon-poon
by SmackDaddy69 February 24, 2018
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absolute unit. so wiggly that they got a title for it. there is a ranking system to rank the wiggliest of males.
person 1: dang you see that guy over there
person 2: yeah, they're such a wiggly male
by Number 1 Wiggly Male April 18, 2022
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