To build something to dangerously bad quality, and then attempt to erase the evidence that you ever tried. Then trying to censor anyone who talks about it, followed by attacking them on social media, and finally playing the victim.
Dude, looks like you're about to verge the fuck out of your $2000 pc build. It's gonna blow up as soon as you plug it in!
by nacho.libre February 20, 2019
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A South African teen fap-material television show which masquerades as a gaming news, preview and review show.

A typical episode will include videos pulled from Youtube, which everybody has likely already seen, reviews done by people who have never even played games before, texts that looks as if they were written by five year olds running across the bottom of the screen and presenters dressed up like typical attention whores.

Aside from insulting any viewer's intelligence, the show has also been known to insult its audience by sending models who have never touched any games in their lives to cover gaming expos at which they insult the attendees by casting assumptions as to their sexual orientation and likening them to Uruk'Hai.
'Hey my brudda, did you see the review for Amalur on dat show The Verge last night?'

'Dey review gamezzz? I thought it was a show about hot gurlzzz.'
by Zoompaloompa February 23, 2012
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To do a "Verge" comes from the late 2018 "Tutorial Video" on how to build your own gaming computer (PC), made by the publisher "The Verge" on Youtube. The video featured a complete non-tech person trying to build a computer, all while manhandling and damaging most of the components throughout the build process. Essentially doing massive mistakes that could or will render the hardware broken.
I tried to upgrade the graphics card in my computer, but I think I did a Verge because now it won't start"
by XaeroTheHero October 23, 2019
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french for: dick, tallywacker, shlong, peter, etc.
Je suis l'homme avec le plus grand verge du monde!
by Mac Daddy Kings May 12, 2003
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a verge is an aweful old guy, who loves to "touch" teenage girls in inappropriate places. its not very commen that a verge gets caught doing so. a verge also makes female students go into his office for a talk, and makes them pleasure him in exchange for the money a verge makes selling snacks. when you see a verge walking down a hallway, you might want to walk the opposite way, very quickly before he sees you, and comes up behind you and gropes your hips. a verge is also i huge pot-head, who likes to keep bowls inside his truck. just remember, that if you see one of these so called "verges" look down, and don't make eye contact, and you SHOULD be fine.
"watch out a verge is coming"
"whats a verge?"
"ohhh just trust me.. stay away"
by lalalaloser April 17, 2008
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A nasty old man usually out to molest your children. A Verge is often seen lurking around corners, ready to snag your precious loved ones, and flop his old aged, wrinkled penis in their faces. A Verge is smarter than what you think. They have X-ray vision, and love to use it when you walk ahead of them. Beware, for a Verge can not only molest you, but once your a victim.. they come back for seconds. Stay clear of a Verge.
Hey, check out that Verge! What's he doing? Is he walking next to little Cindy? Oh wait.. Cindy look out! Ooops, shes a gonner. How sad.
by Alexis Texas April 14, 2008
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To claim expertise or knowledge in a subject and being ousted by actual experts as a fraud in the process.

Comes from website The Verge's error-filled PC building "guide" released in 2018, that was roasted by hundreds of Youtubers and twitch streamers with actual PC-building experience.
Tyler was goofing off in class because he thought he already knew everything and the prof mercilessly verged him for a solid five minutes when he couldn't do the first problem on the board.
by sadfasdfasdfasdf May 4, 2020
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