The United States is a country home to 150 million of the friendliest, most caring, decent people in the world. However, There are also a similar amount of racist, fundamental christian retards who seem to make unilateral decisions for the rest of the world.

The United States government currently appears to be the most corrupt entity on the planet earth, sending thier brave and heroic soldiers to fight wars with the sole purpose of furthering individual ends. Your fanatical presidnet Mr G.W Bush, lacks the ability to engage in a initellignet conversation, nevermind oversee the actions of the worlds most powerful military arsenal.

Their are severe ethnic divisions in the United States, despite the claim that the U.S. is the leader of the "free" world. Plus, anybody now wishing to travel to the U.S. will have all their personal details checked and stored at the whim of the CIA. This reflects the United States over-inflated self image, the U.S is not the centre of the universe.

This fact is reflected in history quite clearly. The United States government will engage in war in Iraq & Afghanistan, but will let the people of Darfur & Burma suffer extreme human rights abuses (not enough oil there you see). How many Americans know that during world war 2, there was only 1 country at war with Nazi Germany from the begining of the war? While Britain was bombed daily by the Germans, the American government refused to get invloved militarily. It was only when American intrests were attacked (Pearl Harbour) that the U.S government acted. Brtian was the only country to fight from day 1 - but you wont see that reflected anywhere in Hollywood. It seems that the U.S. government selfishly picks its battles...

Anyway, the point is that the average decent American citizen gets treated like crap no matter where they go in the world. After visiting Mexico for example, the locals assumed that I must be American, and treated me with caution. Once they discovered I was British, it was a different story.

America has great people, a fantastic environment, patriotism that I admire, many opportunities, but ultimatly a government that stinks. Also whatever your government does, the British government does blindly. So next time your voting in our Prime minister, pick one with a backbane please!!
by Rob1986 October 19, 2006
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the country thats going to hell because Obama was elected president.
Where is the united states?
Barrak Obama is there.
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why the united states owns:
best military on earth,
4th largest in land mass,
smartest people,
the fact that america started out as a group of rebels and is now the most powerful nation on earth,
we have the nukes!
if it wasnt for america, the world would be ruled by nazis,
most of the worlds music is from america,
we MADE china redo their currency,
the most technically advanced ppl on earth,
if we wanted to, we could kick canada's ass,
best movies.

theres more, but i cant think of the right now
by frediopolis October 14, 2005
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I'll basically sum up the regions/states:

Northeast; Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. Famous for NYC and Jersey shores. Known for high education and lots of money but has some ghettos like Camden, West Philly, Harlem and more. Despite popular believe it is not freezing here. It can get as hot as 90 - 100 degrees in the summer. The spring is usually warm and rainy. The fall is nice. And Winter is cold but no one cares cause snow means no school and fun. We don't think we have accents but we do. New York (Brooklyn, Staten Island accents), Boston, Philly, Jersey all have accents. Jersey people say Jurzee not Joisey. We talk pretty fast and everyone's in a rush. Parties are crazy up here. We are diverse, whites, blacks, hispanics, asians all live together. Sports are big, especially baseball, soccer, lax, football, and cheerleading.

Midwest; Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, North and South Dakota. Known for Chicago and Detroit. They have a slight accent. Midwest may not have beaches but it is still an intresting part of the country.

West; Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Colorado, and Utah. Known for Las Vegas, Denver and Salt Lake City. Las Vegas is paradise. It might not have beaches but with pools so great you really don't need them. This part of the country has a lower population but has rolling land and beautiful scenery.

West Coast; California, Oregon, Washington.
Known for Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle. This coast is amazing diverse with beaches, mountains, rolling land, and deserts. The weather is pretty amazing. Seattle is known for technology. People are generally healthy and happy out there. Some ghettos though are Compton, and East L.A. A problem is illegal immigration but honestly is adds to the local culture and boosts the economy.

Southwest; Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Houston is a huge city in the southwest. Known for hot sauce and cowboys this region has a lot to offer. It's not all desert as some people think and it barley rains.

Southeast; Virginia, Tennessee, Louisiana, North and South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia and Florida. Big cities are Charleston, Montgomery, Atlanta, and Miami. Florida offers beautiful beaches and great weather. Accents are pretty noticable. However a accent from South Carolina and Georgia are different from each other. People talk slow and take life easy. Football is huge down there. Religon is also very popular. The South should not be written off as dumb and redneck because they have large cities as well and stereotypes aren't true.

Debatable states; Hawaii, Alaska, West Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky. People say Maryland is south because they succeded from the union. That makes no sense what so ever because California fought with the North but you wouldn't call California a northeastern state. Hawaii and Alaska aren't boredering any states so they kinda fit into their own categroy. Kentucky could be mid-west or southern and West Virgnia could be North or South more likely central though.

Each state is diverse and offers something. We all are strong and united as one.
NYC, Boston, Atlanta, Montgomery, Houston, New Orleans, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Detroit, which ether city you go is great and unique. UNITED STATES = AMAZING.
by Jersey Kid November 28, 2007
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A federal constitutional republic comprised of 50 states and a federal district (Washington D.C.). The United States is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, this is due to widespread immigration from multiple regions around the globe.

Economically, the United States has the largest nominal GDP in the world. Militarily, it has the largest defense budget in the world. Politically, it yields significant influence through partnerships such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and strong ties to individual countries such as the U.K., Japan, Israel, Canada, Australia and South Korea. Culturally, the U.S. continues to yield significant influence through Hollywood and other widely viewed pop culture media.
If it weren't for the United States the European Union would be known as either Nazi Germany or the U.S.S.R.
by Dude 9 March 14, 2010
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The place south of the Canadian border. Has nice people in it, as well as pricks. Powerful government, if sometimes self-serving and misleading.
by huzzah November 3, 2003
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