Tim getting wood after watching his grandma get out of her wheelchair.
Man, Tim did you just a toothpick watching your grandma get out her wheelchair?
by Steve Winters November 1, 2003
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a toothpik is a very skinny person.You can have the word in slang by sayin toothy woothy
hey toothpick gain some weight skinny,dont get caught in the breeze,,wear some weights toothy woothy or you might blown away...old toothy woothy dont blow away.
by boen November 12, 2007
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Occurs when swimming 10 minutes after urinating.
hey does it feel like you have a toothpick in your dick?
by Kade,blaine May 18, 2008
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A toothpick is a type of girl that is very skinny. She is always dressed to impress. She's wacko and sometimes I think she is on drugs. You wouldn't understand. BUT I LOVE HER! YAYYYY haha. niiice. rice krispies
Toothpick!!!!!! Get outta here! ahhhhh!!!!!!!!
by lizzyfoshizzymanizzy April 25, 2007
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Someone who goes to a big-box store to toothpick the samples.
There is always a toothpicker blocking the isle.
by Mathusula February 5, 2011
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