A Person who is sexually and socially involved in relationships with technology.
Jeremy:"Hey Amber, Why are you licking your laptop?"
Amber:"I'm a Technosexual It turns me on so much!"
by Mr.Fluffums November 25, 2008
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a person whose sexual preference is technology. Technosexual people are usually referred to as technos.
by Buklau April 20, 2015
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A person or being that feels sexual attraction towards computers or any form of technology.
1: Hey, did you hear? Bob's a technosexual now.

2: I bet he gets his circuits in a twist.

1: No.
by c3ns0r3d May 20, 2013
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A person whose sexuality has been morphed by the combination of technology and sex such that their sexual needs are completely met by internet porn, cyber-sex, and high tech ultra realistic sex toys no longer requiring human interaction.
Dude 1: "Dude, what's up with Larry? I haven't seen him with a girl in years. Has he gone gay or something?"

Dude 2: "Nah man he's gone technosexual. No more dating games for him! He doesn't even have to pay em to leave!! He Just turns the porn switch off and puts that virtual va-jay-jay under the bed."

Dude 1: " Whoa!!! He doesn't have to worry about remembering birthdays, dealing with in-laws, or them gettting fat either.....Cool!"
by Hefenator August 5, 2011
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a dandyish narcissist in love with not only himself, but also his urban lifestyle and gadgets; a straight man who is in touch with his feminine side but has fondness for electronics such as cell phones, PDAs, computers, software, and the web.
scene kids have too much technosexuality.
by le-oh-nee February 11, 2005
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One who is sexually attracted to robots or machinery; the sexual attraction to robots or machinery. In other words, complete bullshit
Beth : Jane! I didn't see you at the party last night! Where were you!
Jane: Sorry, I was having technosexual sex with my Roomba.
by Dick Clicker September 20, 2018
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Any person that engages in virtual and electro-mechanical sexual intercourse or masturbation to the exclusion of human sexual relations.
John is such a Technosexual, he wouldn't know what a real girl was if she bit him.
by Offroadnutz April 6, 2016
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