A person who is sexually attracted to both males and females.
I'm squeer as hell, but I wouldn't have sex with Kermit *or* Miss Piggy.
by Professor Boooooooty February 6, 2009
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People with big or square heads who are gay
by Boy with an lg April 24, 2010
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a person that is 3 quarters homosexual and 1 quarter straight, though will only realize this once tried a sport, after apologizing for being called names rejects social activity
mr x- man your so anoiying shut up

mr s- im sorry for being anoiying but do u really think i am? :(

mr x- dude why are u being such a squeerosexual, how do expect to play sports.

mr s- hey, do you hate me?
by sqeerosexual November 27, 2009
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Smoking some dank, some of that purple Bmore shit, the most ill buds this side of the east coast. Coined by a venerable member of the FSB scene. Code for when you wanna enter the stone age.
"Whatup son, I'm looking to squeer the twa latter, you gonna be in the RPA?"
by montezuma smith March 1, 2009
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A squeer is a person (normally a fan-girl) who 'squee's' a lot.
Oh, my God! It's Brad Pitt! *squee*

You are such a squeer!

You squee too much, you crazy fan-girl, squeer
by Sexy♥chica July 24, 2009
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A Squeer is a mythical animal from North American folklore described as a Squirrel with tiny deer antlers. The word Squeer is a portmanteau of squirrel and deer. Many Squeer taxidermy mounts, including the original, are made with

miniature carved deer antlers. It's unique and suppose to be funny.
"Check out the Squeer Jimmy made for me mounted on the wall. I put a pair of glasses on it to make it look smart."
by Mz_Beaverhausen April 6, 2019
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