A fake friend or can someone u want to call a dickhead

Can be used to tell someone to just stfu
Ay john stop being a snat its jarring now.
Oi u snat dont say that to me
by BigFishstick101 July 20, 2018
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combination of scat and snuff style films. It must be done in the proper sequence, or it doesn't qualify as a "true snat" film. First one scats, and then one snuffs.
I walked in on Chris and his cousins, Amy and Kim, smack dab in the middle of filming a new snat video. It was weird
by leadbelly1970 September 25, 2010
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The process of using Snapchat. Like a modern version of talking to someone, except you use pictures and limited words.
Guy 1: I've been Snatting with Rachel for days now..

Guy 2: What the hell is Snatting?!

Guy 1: I've been Snapchatting her!

Guy 2: Ahh right sweet!
by GeorgeKnight September 1, 2013
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Special Nigger Arrest Team

a fictional police force made up by some ppl from an essay i read
Shit! SNAT is here. bounce!!
by KaW September 15, 2006
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This concept is very much like the fetish of scat except instead of your girlfriend/boyfriend pooping on your body or in your mouth they stuff a Snickers bar up their anus, preferably for a long period of time such as 8 hours, and then push the Snickers body out onto your body or into your mouth. This is great for those who are relatively new to the fetish of scat but want to do some test runs first.
Man #1: "Hey man, me and my girl think we're into pooping on each other and into each other's mouth but we are just not sure if we are into scat sex play!"

Man #2: "Oh, then you should snat first! Just have your girl put a whole Snickers bar up her butthole while she is at work and then come home and squeeze it out into your mouth! Then you can decide if you want to try scat afterwards!"

Man #1: "Wow, that is a great idea! I'm going to head to the store now and buy a Snickers bar so we can try it tomorrow!"
by Jerrysguy April 5, 2020
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A mixture of a rat and snake , untrustworthy person ,

Another word for backstabber
Don’t talk to candice she is a snat

Fuck anybody who is a snat.

She is a snat don’t trust her !
by Realisticallyreal88 August 19, 2019
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The offspring that occur when a snake and a cat mate. This animal has a cat head,cat arms, a snake body, and a snake tongue. When the creature is happy or amused, it may say, "Smeow." However, when this creature is alarmed or angered, it will strike and say, "Ssssssss!" This creature is found on the east coast of the United States of America. Many people fear this creature, such as Tim Gunn and Ace Frehley.
by Gunnette #2 March 27, 2007
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