Something that a person needs to stop doing, immediately.

“Paula dropped her onion rings all over the ground. She said that’s God’s way of telling her to shut it down!, and stop eating.”
by Ash-Ree May 1, 2007
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to take complete control of a situation at any given moment
Matt: "I'll believe it when I see. There is no way you are taking that chick home. She's making out with another dude."
Kris: "I've shut it down before. I'll shut it down again. I do what do."

by lanphierlions December 4, 2007
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when someone has done so many good tricks (i.e. skateboarding) at a certain spot, stair, handrail.. he has then "shut it down"
"Did you hear about that one guy that did a switch heelflip, frontside flip, and switch tre flip over that double set?

-"Yeah he shut it down that day."
by Toe drag January 2, 2011
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When someone is in the wrong, or someone " tries" you (makes you out to be stupid), it is time to shut them down. For instance, when someone tries to talk to your boyfriend/girlfriend then it's time to shut it down. Meaning, stopping the whole situation permanently.
alicia: girl.! i heard ricky cheated on cece AGAIN last night.! i hope she okay.
boonetta: girl you already know cece went in there and shut it down. ricky know what the deal is now.
by K.Free May 23, 2011
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A period of nothingness that is needed to recharge your batteries. Not answering phones, emails, texts, or doing anything that requires communication with anyone. It's "me" time on a more selfish level.
After multiple projects at work being thrown at her, endless requests from husband, and a schedule that would make anyone's heads spin, her friend, kindly gave her some advice one day,...after hearing her vent for an hour. Whit, I don't know what to do!! It's just getting too nuts,..I can't take it anymore....says Mindy. Girl, you just need to take a day, and just "Shut it Down"
by WhitPatt February 8, 2012
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An expression of incredulity (that you are unable or unwilling to believe something).

Analogous to "Get outta here!" or "You can't be serious!"
"You're moving to Florida? SHUT IT DOWN!!"
by FrankHasNoName March 6, 2008
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also shut 'er down

1) used when someone crosses the line, usually to tell them to shut up
2) said to people that are too loud, drunk, or obnoxiously unfunny
Sarah: "You're mom's a sleazy slut!"
Cara: "Shut 'er down Sarah"
Sarah: "I'm sorry"
by snw October 4, 2004
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