A southern redneck or cajun version of the word "Shit". Now used by several rap artists.
Damn that Sheeeeeeeeeee-it was nast-tee!
by BillyG April 8, 2003
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if one were to miss a pool shot, this turn could be used to show disgust
by ree on February 20, 2003
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When you have such bad diarrhea it feels like you are peeing from your anal sphincter
Cindy ate so many spicy green chiles today; now she is in the bathroom taking a shee.
by Supergirl1000 October 23, 2011
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One of the many words young children use to make their parents think they're not cursing. (aka) crap, $h!t, poop, doodoo, ect.
That's some crazy shee.

by Ricka November 29, 2006
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Shortened version of the word "Banshee." Used by some Halo and Halo 2 players to refer to the Banshee vehicle.
I thought I told you guys not to use a 'shee this round!
by NuclearNinja May 25, 2007
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The most chill stoner chick you will ever meet. Her real name is Taylor but everyone calls her Shee (its a long story) She's very optimistic and can brighten anyones day.
Stoner 1: "Hey man, where did Shee go?"

Stoner 2: "Who?"

Stoner 1: "Sheeee, maan..."

Stoner 2: "Ohhh she's in the living room, hittin' a bong, bruh."
by ibakedyallanapplepie July 29, 2011
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When someone is scared about something
Boy-'I am so stressed about this test!'

Girl-'Sheeing it?'
by 7u6yjhgredf November 29, 2011
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