(n.) A second helping of something, such as food or blowjobs.

(n.) Products that have a fault, and have had the price adjusted accordingly. Manufacturers seconds.
I came back for seconds

I found some neat stuff in seconds- a shirt with three arms, trousers with one leg longer than the other, boxers with a hole in the back, boots without bottoms, it ruled!
by Gumba Gumba May 30, 2004
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The amount of time it takes for you to ejaculate.
He blew up in seconds.
by bob July 31, 2003
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When smoking weed the person that says seconds before anyone else reserves the second hit of the pipe or joint. The first hit is always reserved to the person who supplied the weed but the second hit is a race between the other people smoking for whoever says seconds before anyone else. The exception to this is if you had supplied weed for the group earlier in which case you are automatically given the second hit.
who has seconds on this bowl?... SECONDS!!!

I call seconds on that next joint.

I smoked you up earlier, you better give me seconds on this next bowl.
by Albert Dankinstien May 18, 2009
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"I need to move the car back a second."

"You need to adjust the width a second."
by Heyitsmike May 14, 2009
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1. A small period of time.
2. What comes after first.
1. One Mississippi/Marshmellow/One Thousand.
2. Fuck. You beat me.
by Rinney June 21, 2005
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You would instantly without stalling, Do it. Whether its do a goat or woman or man... In a second can also mean to have sex with a girl without even thinking about it. Like when you see a ugly chick, you think about it "Would I do her?"... But if its "In a second"... No thinking... Just straight up wam wam!
*Bri'ish girls walk past shayne*

Shayne : Holy crap! IN A SECOND!!

*Gay men walk past*

by darkmyst August 29, 2005
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An indefinite period of time, usually assumed by the listener to be at least 2-3 minutes in length. Speakers use it to affirm that the time will be short without any actual meaning or elaboration, despite the fact that the period will likely be more than 120 times longer than stated (see above).
Person #1: Are you done yet?
Person #2: Yeah, it'll just take a second.

-5 minutes later-

Person #1: *visibly impatient* Okay, are you done now?

Person #2: I said, it'll be a second! Geez, some people.
by Green Skies June 27, 2012
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