Wienerschnitzel, Fast food franchise. Also refering to the bodily malady suffered after eating at said fast food franchise.
I got the schnitz from eating at the The Schnitz.
by simp May 13, 2007
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Meaning: extremely cute in the sense of an animal/baby etc..
That puppy was sooo schnitz.
That was the schnitziest puppy EVER!
by AW July 27, 2004
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A man you can use for everything; pushover; noodle
Did you have fun with your Schnitz last weekend? Yes he bought me a Ferrari and I haven't texted him back.
by badassbarbie March 21, 2018
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When you eat so much Schnitzel that it makes you feel sick.

Pronounced: Sch-nit Faced
I got so Schnitz Faced last night and now I fell like crap
by Not Your WiFi April 5, 2011
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The act of fiercely flicking an object repeatedly until it turns purple.
I schnitzes his wiener because he performed a strawberry cheesecake.
by fragecasy March 2, 2010
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