To party very intensely for a very long amount of time, keeping the quote in mind "anything worth doing is worth overdoing". Therefore doing whatever is possible to reach the level you want to be at. Doesn't matter whether it involves alcohol, nugs, acid, e or yay.
" Yo we raging tonight?"
" Fuck yea bro its wednesday."
by JiveIII March 9, 2006
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Extreme and uncontrollable anger. The person who posesses it is most likely to act it out, violently.
I broke the Rottweiler's ribs in a burst of seething rage.
by AYB February 20, 2003
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The effect one feels when coming down on adderall; typically resulting in short temperance along with heavy dementia. Other effects include heavy depression, violence, and a need for complete social isolation..
Bro, I just A-Raged on this guy and now he is dead !

Man, since you got that script you've been consistently on an A-Raging Spree....
by A-Raging June 2, 2010
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1.(verb)- synonym for partying. Usually associated with acting crazy, obnoxious and drinking many people under the table.
2.(verb)- Going to more than one party in one night.
Emily: Jen is so hung over. She went mad raging last night.
by overhere April 6, 2006
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Irish slang for being extremly angry.
John: I failed the French exam.
Mike: Raging !
by AllNamesTakenLads May 9, 2011
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to party very hard, to get wasted.
speaker: Dude, i desperately need to party. I've been sober for the past week
friend: Yeah bro! let's fucking rage!!!
by captain explosion January 4, 2008
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RAGE is the word for partying at your hardest. If you are RAGING, you are out of control. You are likely to be very inebriated, and may fall on your face even while innocently walking back to your bed. R.A.G.E stands for Rowdy Alcoholics Getting (in)Ebriated.
We rage harder than Rebecca Black going to school on a Friday morning...partyin' partyin' partyin' YEAH!
by DJ Joseph Pesta April 21, 2011
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