The act of forcibly inserting a nine iron into your lover's rectum and extracting fecal matter and blood. Much like a golf course, you know it's time to move onto the next hole when you get to the green stuff at the end.
Yeah man, I was putting through the rough last night. Let's just say that Tiger Woods isn't the only man Scarlet admires for their skills with a nine iron anymore.
by Niggslayer December 2, 2006
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A phrase used to agree with someone, say something is cool, or say a girl is attractive.
Hey dude wanna go boarding this weekend?

Reply: Yea I could put a fist through that.

Bro what do you think of the girl in the booth behind me.
Reply: Yea the blond one I could put a fist through that.
by endlessrunnershigh February 2, 2010
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To ruin something beautiful by trying to improve it.
You think I should lose weight?

Hey, don't put your foot through a Van Gogh, now.
by Alex Stockwell November 10, 2007
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The act of having exceptionally good yet typically rough sexual intercourse.
John: Did you go home with that girl you met last night?

Michael: Not only did I go home with her, I totally put my knee through her dashboard. I bet she is sore today.
by johhouoonnn June 22, 2010
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i hate myself i wish i was dead i'm so bored i'm such a go damn disappointment my friends don't have time for me i want someone to fucking kill me i don't want to be here anymore i'm so fucking bored i'm trapped in a endless cycle i hate myself i hate myself i hate myself
Me: i want someone to put a bullet through my head
Someone: hahaha i won't lol
by bunny_adipshit November 20, 2021
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Remember that time your mom called you fat? Or that time your dad said you’re worthless? Its time for them to apologize! Only on December 31st!
“Mom, it’s National parents-apologize-for-trauma-they-put-their-kids-through day, you know what that means? You’re a horrible mother that doesn’t care about their child’s feelings!”
by Brown brown September 6, 2022
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