Getting parallel parked is the ultimate L.

When you parallel park someone in a debate or argument they are left speachless and wanting to end it all for being so fucking smooth-brained because just like driving, they failed hard at parallel parking their electric hybrid solar neutron star powered smart car.
"Hey did you see that interview with Jordan Peterson and Cathy Newman? She got her Top-Romen hair parallel parked"
by Moldy Turnips June 30, 2021
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The instance when you are head-on approaching someone for a hug, and they surprisingly turn their body at the last second... Thus, resulting in the most awkward sidehug known to man.
Sally: How did the date end?

Lafonda: Awfully, I was going in for the hug and he Parallel Parked it on me. #Totes the most awk hug of life.
by MizzM. December 6, 2011
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The Parallel Park is an intimate move used to initiate the Spoon technique.

It can be applied when one unsuspecting individual is casually lying on their side, forming a typical "big spoon" orientation. The other individual commences the Parallel Park by asserting themselves (consensually) as the "little spoon" through various methods such as simply sliding in smoothly or more energetically. Typically used in romantic relationships.
"Bro I was just chilling on the couch watching a fish documentary on my phone when my girlfriend parallel parked me since she wanted to watch too"
by btw soma May 16, 2021
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When you're blazed more than a trailer park redneck's ass on the 4th of July and it's too dark outside to see the cars you're attempting to parallel park between so you just let Jesus take the wheel and pray you don't hit anything.
Stoned shotgun passenger: Dude dude dude dude stop you're gonna hit something!

Stoned driver: Relax dude, I'm Intuitive Parallel Parking.

Drunk back-seat passenger: qaStaH nuq jay'?!!!
by BourbonDickanary January 9, 2023
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