When you get so drunk, you actually, literally, crap yourself like a toddler.
Thursday night I wore my white corduroy pants out to the bar. I didn’t know my white corduroys would soon become my shit pants. I got so boozed, I stole my friends shoes and barfed in them. Then I shit my pants...Thursday night I was Shit-Pants Drunk.
by A Delightful June 30, 2011
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When someone unknowingly sits in shit. Either human or animal shit.
My friend by accident sat on a toilet seat covered in shit and soiled his pants. He is now referred to as "Spongebob Shit Pants".
by Mean Friend December 6, 2006
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Is a Person who sits on crap ether bird shit or just shit, especially from shitting them self's and you can call them shit pants for short
"Hay Dale i mean Dr Shit Pants would you like some fresh bird shit on the chair for you"
by Danny169 September 17, 2012
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when you see the retarted kid pass a chunk in his/her pants and you say "hey shit pants" as oppose to "hey retard"
retard: shits pants

autistic kid: hey shit pants
by Faggot Disorder May 12, 2020
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1) literally the act of pulling up you fuckin pants an shit


3) Pull yourself together
by ifidothenimightmissyouBHEBE October 13, 2009
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The act of getting so drunk that you don't know nor care that you have just totally shit you pants, usually with a sticky burning goo.
Dude did you see that loser, he was was pants full of shit drunk.
by BigBlackBlick September 13, 2010
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when you shit in someones pants and they put them on and it looks like they've shit themselves
"bruh did you just pull a pant shit on kyle"
by killagamer69 June 6, 2021
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