A game show host for the hit object show called Animated Inanimate Battle (also known as AIB)!
Me: Woah, is that Oodle, the host of Animated Inanimate Battle?!
by @testbulbrush on tt February 6, 2023
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n. a phallus; a phallic object likely to be dropped, i.e. a penile substitute.
Paul Newman's grandfather came to America and dropped his oodle in 1905. He ceased all finagling of his wife thereafter.
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an acronystic term which stems from "ODL," Officer Of Da Law
Got pulled over by a fucking oodle tonight. Damn I'm pissed off.
by GBLZ October 10, 2003
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1. a noodley soup thing thats really good
2. a puertorican boy that someone cough cough should spend more time wit
1. these chiken oodles is good as hell whered ya getem
2. oodles is sittin ova there waitin for ya
by stephanie November 30, 2004
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the term used to describe a large amount of babies
oh my god, that guy is cute! i want to have oodles of babies with him!
by brntpopcorn June 29, 2009
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Emmas uniqe word, and adds to her sexyness!
Emma, Quote- Oodles, i want a go!
by Skullpop October 9, 2003
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A really Hot and funny girl! Not to be used together with Oodles and noodles A girl who loves snow fall and BRANDO!
brando commando Watch out, OODLES rocks!
Man1: "That girl is damn OODLES man!"

Man2: "Yah, she fyne."
by BRANDO COMMANDOOO December 13, 2005
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