A amazing beer without all the bullshit,only men of high quality and class drink this beer.not even the most interesting man in the world can drink a beer of this magnitude.
wtf do you want me to hold your purse we're getting guinness
by Mr_Top_Hat June 21, 2010
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A three-course meal in a glass.
I missed breakfast today so I had a pint of Guinness, which contains all four food groups.
by zabazuve-ha November 11, 2007
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(1725 -1803) Irish brewer. In the late 1700s he developed a dark version of porter that still bears his name.
you stupid twat, drink some guinness during the football or stfu you mad cunt
by Anonymous January 16, 2003
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With a Capital 'G'. So good that it surpasses the qualification of 'beer'.

Guinness is a type of (some say the textbook definition of) stout. Like a typical stout, it is dark in colour, almost black and has a mildly bitter mellow taste. The creamy head that is commonly associated with a pull off the tap can be approximated using patented "widget" technology in cans. When pulling a pint off of a tap, it is customary to fill the glass roughly 2/3 to 3/4 full and let it sit before pulling the head.

Contrary to popular belief, Guinness may taste heavy, but actually is very low in alcohol and has less calories per serving than Coors Light making it a perfect anytime drink. Another bit of trivia- It is law in Ireland that if a barkeep tips or spills the head of your Guinness, you are entitled to a fresh one.
"Guinness is a wonderful stout."

"Two pints of Guinness, please"

"No, I will not trade you a Guinness for one of your Heinekens"

by Phalaeo August 24, 2007
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Who arent Sluts, Jocks, Emos
That are liked for being genuinly nice people
Wow their so nice, such guins
by YerNo October 23, 2007
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Guinness is an Irish stout beer that has been brewed in the Saint James's Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland since 1756. It is a dark coloured beer with a cremey head. Its taste is quite robust and satisfying.

Guinness also started the Guinness Book of Records after an argument in a pub in 1955. It was sold to Gullane Entertainment in 1997 but they kept the name.
Guinness is my personal favourite beer. If you tour the Guinness Brewery in Dublin you get a free pint at the end of the tour. How sweet is that?!
by Matt September 17, 2005
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The best beer anywhere. Has been around since 1755, proving that the guys at Guinness know their shit about beer. Brilliant taste, not the stuff people call beer in America. Every good Irishman has (or should have) drank at least 1 pint of beer. Thank God Guinness came to America during the Irish potato famine, when many Irish natives came to America. Guinness can sometimes can be mistaken for Diet Coke with ice cubes...

Also had the best slogan ever:
"My Goodness, my Guinness!"
Dude 1: "Hey, you want some Budweiser?"
Dude 2: "No way, dude, Budweiser's for pussies."
Dude 1: "Then what d'you want?"
Dude 2: "Guinness."
by Lil Miss Magic July 3, 2009
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