a real sports affliction that occurs mainly to male professional long distance cyclists (like the blokes at the tour de france) where the constant pressure between the narrow bicycle saddle and the pubic bone make the scrotum area lose sensitivity and become numb.
man, after that race I got a bad case of the numb nuts
by nuked bug January 17, 2005
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Usually used when talking about another person, when you can't remember their name.

As used in southwest of the U.S.
Yea, I saw eeerr,"Ole Numb Nuts" wrap his car around that tree.
Whatta fuckin' loser.
by NoLove_4_BS April 21, 2009
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the term for the person who has substained a skateboarding injury which requires the person to hold his nut so they dont fall off
Skater: i was skateing then i hit a sharp pole and it tore my nutsack
Doctor: HAHAHAH i guess ur name is numb nuts........ Mr. Numb Nuts do u have insurence??
Doctor: Get the fuck out of here
by sdfhgdsfnvdslg February 13, 2008
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How my nuts will feel after Ashley is done with them.
Ashley gave me such a good fucking, I now have Numb Nuts in my pants.
by Your daddy1232 January 29, 2012
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A person that has been administered a lethal Injection to their testicular rejoin. Common after effects include loss of felling in your ball Bag.

Alternative - A person with very mental capacity or with the Itellect of a Ape.
Pat Kelner
by Joe Ninety December 21, 2003
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