(v) enjoying oneself immensely, but in a calm, cool way; succeeding at life; indulging in the spoils of victory.
Q: "Hey, man — how you doing?"
A: "I'm spoilin' like a mofo, bro."

Surrounded by gorgeous women, with a Chateaubriand on his plate and a 15-year-old Scotch in his glass, the impeccably dressed, tanned and well-rested man was spoiling.
by Snark Chariot March 7, 2013
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1. Any person lucky enough to have parents that don't beat them mercilessly, or make them hand-wash dishes even though there's a dishwasher right there in the house.

2. A term used by douches to describe those luckier than they are.
Random Person: Your parents gave you both a cell phone AND a laptop? You're so spoiled!

"Spoiled" Person: Um ... the cell phone is three years old ... and the laptop was a Christmas present. I also didn't ask for either of them. They were gifts.

Random Person: Well ... you don't milk cows every morning. Or walk five miles to school. So you're still spoiled.

"Spoiled" Person: And you're a douche.

Random Person: Spoiled brat!

"Spoiled" Person: Douche.
by The one who types August 11, 2010
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Goods received from a just skirmish of any degree.
by larstait October 16, 2003
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An exclamation used to express many negative emotions, including: anger, disapproval, injustice, disappointment or confusion. This term originated at Doherty Memorial High School in Worcester, MA.

Pronounced: "Spawl"

Common synonyms include the exclamations, "shit," "that blows" and "fuck"
Situation: Someone spills their beer at a party.
Your response: "Spoil."

"I heard you hooked up with that annoying girl last night. Spoil."

"Spoil, that physics test was so hard!"

Situation: You are walking up the stairs and a girl falls, scattering her books across the stairwell.
Your Response: "Spoil."
by Cheex MahGoo April 15, 2009
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What I am. Picture this. Lived in a big house. Had the nicest cars. Took the greatest vacations. On Christmas morning I had to have at least 75 gifts stacked up in the room. I got whatever I want whenever I want. I am so spoiled.
That kid gets everything they want. They are so spoiled.
by wldd November 6, 2007
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OH NO I spoiled the milk,I need to buy some more!
by Mb28 January 10, 2019
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so picture this for spoiled is when kids are born into a rich family.

they usually have these following items. (this is for example)

.xbox one
.a Mac laptop that is collecting dust.
.a big house which is either in a development or in the countryside.
.$200 beats headphones
.large in ground pool
.a Ipad which has about $20 worth of apps.
.a RC Helicopter that is collecting dust
.may have $200 dollars worth of video games
.their parents doe most of the chores for them like clean their room or ect.
.might have a dog most likely a golden retriever.

.Iphone 5 which is overused. and has also about $20 worth of apps.
.a 50 by 50 inch tv in their room with dish network on it.
.a 4 wheeler, a dirtbike,2 bikes,and a Go-Kart.
.along with $500 or more in there allowance.

.their parents most likely drive them to school in their parents SUV
.they most likely always pack their lunch.
.their parents are usually middle to upper class.
.and the usually the most popular kid in their school
by cheeze200 November 5, 2014
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