1. a really ugly sad excuse for a girl, a mutt thinks she can get everyone, and is extremely jealous of any other girl. guys only go for mutts because they are an easy kill, but mutts can never actually date a guy, because who would want to date one? mutts usually kiss other girls for male attention, but they only kiss eachother, because they can't get anyone else.

2. a girl who gets eaten out by her dog every night because no one else will. (bestiality)
"fuck, that girl is soo ugly. she's such a mutt"
"yeah, 20 bucks says she goes home and gets her dog to eat her out"
"poor dog"
by flattiremittmitt November 27, 2011
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1).In English it means dog.

2).however urdu and arabic it means wank
1. Lee evans:Hey steven have you taught your mutt to sit yet?

Steven hawkins:You mean my dog no i have not.

2.Steven hawkins:aww wank it faster bitch oh yeah thats the stuff
by braint21-284320423423423242346 September 3, 2009
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A female who looks like a dog/disgusting as hell.
Oh that broad, such a fuckin mutt!
by ilessthanforwardslash3muttz December 30, 2010
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When you take a dump and you don't wipe well enough, your butt may become itchy and you scratch it or may walk weird.

Short for monkey butt. Monkey + Butt = Mutt
GUY 1: Look at Wes, he is walking weird. He MUST have monkey butt.

GUY 2: No you mean MUTT!!
by miesterw November 6, 2007
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A individual who does not abide by the rules and acts in a more dogish manner towards authority and others and also acts dumb in serious situations but dont necessarily call them a dog but call them a mutt mutt
Damn dude after you got drunk last night you tried scoring with my sister but then she called you a mutt mutt and turned ya down so you got with the fat chick.
by Mutt Mutt January 11, 2017
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When you danced real good you "mutted"

A term used more often in southern florida
kendalle : I’m about to battle her

mya : you better mutt
by aspma May 2, 2020
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...from mutt. Involving or suggesting a person's mixed origins. Could apply to race or culture.
I was raised all over the world, and I love my Muttness.

I'm half Latin, 1/4 Jewish, and 1/4 Chinese, now that's Muttness...
by McWired March 4, 2009
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