Muriel, The adjective given when given PMSing

Muriels can become extremely aggressive, violent and over-protective of belongings at this time of the month
Watch out for Muriel!!
Laura - 'Why is that girl so extremely aggressive, violent and over protective of her belongings? she yelled at me when i asked to borrow her moisturizer'

Lorna -'Yea don't worry about her... She's just Muriel right now'
by Voldy1 July 6, 2010
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1. a name for woman with a moustache (FRIENDS, both jennifer's and ross's aunt is named muriel with a moustache)

2. a sissy man
Look how ugly that Muriel is! She should shave her French stache!
by Bejamin Franklin January 17, 2011
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a girl who is 18 and has a strict 9 o'clock curfew that prefers to date guys in their early teenage years... and she has a penis <3
fuck! i can't stay out late, my parents are treating me like muriel!
by bugerman October 28, 2009
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A dirty m uriel is when a girl recites a poem to a guy while his dick is in her mouth
Me : Yo this bitch gave me a dirty muriel last night
Friend : What poem did she recite
Me : Roses are nice

Violets are fine

I'll be the six

If you be the nine.
by Cado DVDA June 9, 2020
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Quite possibly the worst film on the face of this earth. Watching said film may cause the viewer to exhibit such symptoms as (but not limited to)

A general feeling of revulsion.

An instant hatred of all things beginning with A and ending with BBA

Violent projectile vomiting

Hatred towards the human race for ever concieving such a hellishly bad idea.

Uncontrollable self-combustion. (Yes, you will burst into flames and die if you watch this movie.)
Viewer: (Watches Muriel's Wedding)
Viewer: What's this strange hateful sensation in my gut?
(And then he explodes in a mess of red chunks.)
by ether75 September 9, 2010
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D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser renamed a section of 16th street, in front of the White House, “Black Lives Matter Plaza” and had the slogan painted on the pavement in massive yellow letters to honor demonstrators protesting the killing of George Floyd by police.
by Monkey's Dad June 8, 2020
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Hi I’m Muriel
by November 21, 2021
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