Someone who uses facebook status updates to forever moan about other people. Such a person is for some reason angry with the world, and feels the need to complain about people to facebook.
Chris, stop being a facebook moaner, get a life and stop watching everyone else's.
by woonie December 23, 2010
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A Moaner Lisa is the term used to describe girls who moan loudly during intercourse.
Tom: "Yo man how was last night"
Jerry: "Lol it was good, Katie was a real Moaner Lisa"
by Lando_Fett December 9, 2010
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Someone who makes no noise during sex.
Frank says that Katie is a mute moaner, which doesn't turn him on.
by Unknown Pseudonym October 28, 2013
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Stacey Moaner someone who complains or moans about things being other peoples fault

also a retired motogp rider
Dude don't be such a stacey moaner
by beebee12 November 19, 2013
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One who frequently and randomly lets out moans for no apparent reason. May be result of mental disability.
by thefriendwhopostsmeanwords October 29, 2009
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a woman who, in an effort to boost her less-than-endowed boyfriend's confidence, wakes the entire house with moaning noises during coital enocunters.
The Worm was over last night...she's a Mad Moaner. or The Mad Moaner woke me up at 8AM...she's a great alarm clock. or Let's Mad Moaner-proof the door.
by The Captain January 29, 2003
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Mum doesn’t snore but when she is by herself in the room she is a mongoose moaner and drops the glass thing
by Aussie cobber September 3, 2022
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