The female equivalent of "duck butter," which is the filmy, pungent sweat that forms between the genitals and the bunghole in the area referred to as the gup or the taint. Can become particularly thick and stinky in during hot weather, or after days not bathing.
I wanted to dine at the Y, but after a hot day she had a dab of the miracle whip going on down below.
by Philboyd Studge July 1, 2015
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When a girl give you a blowjob while she still has cum in her mouth
"Mary gave me a miracle whip last night."
by Meyamochan October 24, 2015
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to cum in your hand then smack your bitch in the face.
Just think of the miracle whip that you put on your sandwhich. In this case the semen is the miracle and the whip is your hand, the slap is like putting the sandwhich together
by frankie Jay December 9, 2007
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Its a mayonnaise but a little more tasty. Its probably not as healthy but who gives a whores pussy? Its spiced and Shit I think. Idk I just eat it.
by Someguywithtoomuchtime March 30, 2015
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Another, more modern term, for the Popemobile.
Hey, looks like the Pope just got his ride back from Unique Autosports! It's the Miracle Whip!
by Galaxie427 October 30, 2007
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the name used for little "white honeys".
ayo we bout to go out and scoop up some "miracle whip drips"...
by the drip drops September 12, 2009
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What you call little white girls over the age of 18.
Yo B! We bout to smash these Miracle Whip Drips!
by StylesCaramel April 27, 2015
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