This is a signal to all around that you are both useless, unimportant and the weakest human being ever.
Jon loves his Man bun. Because of this his girlfriend Zoe left him, all his friends left town and don't talk to him any more, as well as he was disowned by his family. Don't be like Jon cut your hair.
by Leminheds March 26, 2019
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An oxymoron in terms, as it is neither edible or a representation of masculinity.

May also be called a Bitch Biscuit, or as seen below, a douche donut.
Always remember to let down your man bun before going onstage for your drag routine.
by Oddih October 18, 2020
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Literally what it sounds like. A bun on a man
Did you see that guys man bun?
by The Square Pear December 27, 2016
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(n): A questionably sexy hairstyle in which a man with hair of the medium to long (and usually greasy) variety secures said hair into a firmly rounded bun; also used to describe one half of the male buttock region.
Girl, check out that guy's sweaty man bun.
by Ron_diggity February 21, 2014
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A feminine-like hairstyle worn by "Millennials" that has a round shape and is held together by a hair tie.
I love Ethan's man bun, it's so hip.
by Dunkirk C. Badunkidunk October 18, 2018
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When a man has a bun. Usually it is slightly greasy but it is sooo hot. Hippie usually have man buns, or just general hotties.
Man buns are going to be so hot in the future
Ellen wishes her extremely sexy, handsome boyfriend would grow a Man Bun, he'd get every sexier!
by MelonTeets October 14, 2010
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