An older woman who lives alone. She wears nightgowns and owns 17 cats. Her house smells of cat pee, tuna, spoiled milk and bologna. When she sneezes she is engulfed by a cyclone of stray cat hair. She keeps a shot gun by her bed to scare away Jehovah's witnesses, trick or treaters and lost teenagers.
That cat lady sure is creepy. I went trick or tricking at her house when I was a kid and she stuck the barrel of her shot gun in my face when she opened up the door. Wow. That turned me against trick or treating forever.
by Theonewithoutaname August 29, 2014
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a spinster who has more cats than anyone would care to care for. It has been suggested that the mind-altering toxoplasmosis parasite past on by cats in their poop, and which is capable of altering the minds of rats into cat seeking behavious, and making people better at soccor, causing schizophrenia and psychosis in humans as well as car accidents and misscaridges may also cause cat seeking behaviour in humans. It may also have been the cause of the collapse of the egyptian empire after they started keeping cats to catch mice in grain stores.
Psychietrist: Do you smoke cannabis
Patient: No, but my mum used to take me over to see the cat lady when I was a child.
by oliverthered July 28, 2013
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woman who is destined to die and old maid with several cats
i know hes fat but at this point its grin and bear it or hello cat lady
by metiamo June 7, 2004
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Cat ladies are very smexy. They ooze sex appeal and many men find them attractive.
Damn, that Cat lady is looking goooood.
by SmexyCatLady March 22, 2010
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A lady who is obsessed with her cat. You will usually find a cat lady posting pictures of her cat to Catastic, which is like Instagram for cats. This lady also usually tells people things about her cat that nobody really cares about. A cat lady does not have to be necessarily old, you can find a cat lady of any age.
Did you see that Cat Lady Anna Cathryn! She posts pictures of her cat to Catastic!

Omg! Did you see Viktoria's cat on Catastic, she's so cute!
by The Smart Chick July 3, 2015
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A lady who suffers from a horrible childhood, with nobody to love, besides stray cats that dig in the families garbage. Soon discovers cats are her friends and she enjoys talking, petting, and going to the movies with these cats. Many of the cats tend to have many venereal diseases that spread quickly to the old lady. Tends to have many wrinkles. And unwashed grease ball hair. And love to eat potatoes.
Cat Lady- An elderly woman owning/sleeping with fifty plus cats. Don't drool on the fur balls.
by Sunshine Lady December 13, 2008
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gisella ann blake is a cat lady. need help? call her she knows exactly what to do… in fact she will be there asap.
by memega July 20, 2022
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